Sunday, February 7, 2016

Revisions for 2016

2016 will be very different for me. Not only have I moved up two categories, but I also have taken up road biking. I recently bought a road bike and I am planning on racing road this year as well as mountain. I've never done a road race but I've been dying to try one. This year I am also going to try to be strict about how I train. Last year, I was lucky to be able to win without a strict and structured plan but this year will be much different. I have already created my plan and I am working hard to stick to it. So far, I have been able to work hard consistently and the only thing that makes me stop is bad conditions. For example, this past week, the trails were covered in snow. The huge amount of snow caused me to ride my mountain bike on the narrow roads, which was a little sketchy at times. I could only complete half of the time that I set out for. I am hoping for some good results this year on mountain, cross, and possibly even road.

1 comment:

  1. Love the post!! Hope everything goes well!!
